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retailHUB Charity App Released

We have finished building the first phase of a mobile app for national charity, the retailTRUST and their retailHUB service. The app is now live on both the Apple App store and the Google Play store.

The charity provides emotional, physical, financial and vocational support to over 4 million people involved in the UK’s retail sector. They were looking for a way for their retailHUB branch to provide wellbeing services to retailers. All the relevant information needed to be collated in one place.

First Phase

The first phase of the app development project saw our team working closely with the retailTRUST. We worked to create a beautifully designed mobile app with the user experience in mind. The app can be downloaded across mobile and tablet devices using both iOS and Android systems. The main aim for this first phase was to support the offering of the retailTRUST. The app allows its users to easily find information and contact the charity directly.

As this first phase has now been released, together with the retailTRUST, we are already working on the second phase. This will see the mobile app linking to the retailTRUST website. This new feature will ensure that information is pulled through from the charity’s new site using a custom built API. This means that all the information will be consistent and can be controlled from one place.

Second Phase

This second phase will also include push notifications on the app, so when a new news article is published on the website the app users will receive a push notification to their device linking to the article on the mobile app.

Speaking to Daniel Fisher, Pagio Digital’s Director, he said “The first phase of the retailHUB charity app has been fantastic from start to finish. We are more than thrilled to be working with such a great cause and are very pleased with the outcome. We’re excited to release this first phase and can’t wait to share the second phase of the project. The team at the retailTRUST have been a pleasure to work with and we’re looking forward to our ongoing relationship.”

If you have an app development project you would like to discuss with Pagio Digital, or any other web or software development, please contact us on hello@pagiodigital.co.uk or call 01772 393989.